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Token Transfers

Learn more about getting a token transfers data stream from our WebSocket.

Getting Started

Receive instant updates on all token transfers, allowing for accurate monitoring and tracking of asset movements. Utilize the versatile query parameters to filter transfers based on transaction signature, calling program, source and destination owners, mint address, date range, and transfer values.

Follow our guided recipe to learn how you can quickly start streaming real-time transfers from Solana.


feePayerThe account responsible for paying the transaction fee for the token transfer.
maxAmountInclusive maximum of transferred amount. Can be combined with [Self::min_amount]
minAmountInclusive minimum of transferred amount. Can be combined with [Self::min_amount]
programIdThe specific program that executed the transfer. Useful for filtering transfers based on the program's identifier.
receiverAddressThe wallet address of the recipient who received the tokens.
receiverTokenAccountThe token account associated with the receiver where the tokens were deposited.
senderAddressThe wallet address of the sender who sent the tokens.
senderTokenAccountThe token account associated with the sender where the tokens were withdrawn from.
tokenMintAddressThe public key for the mint of the token involved in the transfer, identifying the specific token type being transacted.


Things to keep in mind:

  • If you use this connection without a filter you will receive data for ALL transfer events. This can result in excessive credit usage
  • Filters can be used in any combination to make a precise request for the data you need.
  • To get token transfers for native Solana you must use 11111111111111111111111111111111as the token mint.
  • programId: At the moment, you can filter by one program address per request. Multi-program filtering will be available soon.
  • tokenMintAddress: At the moment, you can filter by one mint address per request. Multi-token filtering will be available soon.


Overview of the response from a transfers data stream:

amountThe total number of tokens involved in the transaction.
blockTimeThe timestamp when the transaction was confirmed on the blockchain, in Unix time.
programIdThe public key of the Solana program that initiated the transaction.
decimalThe number of decimal places used for the token's smallest unit.
feePayerThe public key of the account responsible for paying the transaction fees.
mintAddressThe public key of the token's mint, specifying the token type involved in the transaction.
receiverAddressThe public key of the account receiving the tokens.
receiverTokenAccountThe public key of the specific token account of the receiver.
senderAddressThe public key of the account sending the tokens.
senderTokenAccountThe public key of the specific token account of the sender.
signatureThe cryptographic signature that uniquely identifies the transaction on the blockchain.
slotThe slot number in which the transaction was processed on the Solana blockchain, helping to pinpoint the exact sequence of events.