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API Endpoints

Overview of our available endpoints


EndpointMethodDescriptionQuery/Body ParamsResponses
/account/known-accountsGETRetrieve a categorized list of labeled Solana accounts.ownerAddress, name, labels, entityName, entityId, sortByAsc, sortByDesc200, 400, 404, 500
/account/nft-balance/{ownerAddress}GETObtain NFT balances for a provided account address.includeNoPriceBalance, sortByAsc, sortByDesc, limit, page200, 400, 500
/account/nft-balancesPOSTGet NFT balances for multiple account addresses.includeNoPriceBalance, limit, page, sortByAsc, sortByDesc, wallets200, 400, 500
/account/token-balance-ts/{ownerAddress}GETRetrieve daily SPL token balances for a given account address in time-series formatownerAddress (string, required), days (int32)200, 400, 500
/account/token-balance/{ownerAddress}GETGet SPL token balances for a provided account address.includeNoPriceBalance, sortByAsc, sortByDesc, limit, page200, 400, 500
/account/token-balancesPOSTGet SPL token balances for multiple account addresses.includeNoPriceBalance, limit, page, sortByAsc, sortByDesc, wallets200, 400, 500
/account/token-balances-tsPOSTRetrieve daily SPL token balances for multiple account addresses in time-series formatdays (int32), wallets (array of strings, required)200, 400, 500


EndpointMethodDescriptionQuery/Body ParamsResponses
/program/known-program-accountsGETGet categorized list of labeled programsprogramId, name, labels, entityName, entityId, sortByAsc, sortByDesc200, 400, 404, 500
/program/{programID}GETGet program details including metricsprogramID (required)200, 400, 500
/program/{programId}/active-usersGETGet active users with instruction/transaction countsdays (1-30), limit, sortByAsc, sortByDesc200, 400, 500
/program/{programId}/active-users-tsGETGet time series data for active usersrange (required: 1h-24h, 1d-30d)200, 404
/program/{programId}/instructions-count-tsGETGet time series data for instruction countsrange (required: 1h-24h, 1d-30d)200, 400, 500
/program/{programId}/transactions-count-tsGETGet time series data for transaction countsrange (required: 1h-24h, 1d-30d)200, 400, 500
/program/{programId}/tvlGETGet TVL time series dataresolution (required: 1h, 1d, 1w, 1m, 1y)200, 400, 500
/programsGETGet list of all Solana programs with IDLslabels, limit, page, sortByAsc, sortByDesc200, 400, 500


EndpointMethodDescriptionQuery/Body ParamsResponses
/price/marketsGETGet all available market IDs queryable via the Vybe APIprogramId (string, required), page (int32), limit (int32)200, 400, 404
/price/programsGETGet all available DEXs' and AMMs' programs used for trades and pricesNone200
/price/pyth-accountsGETRetrieve a list of all Pyth oracle price accounts with corresponding product accounts and symbolsproductId (string), priceFeedId (string)200
/price/{baseMintAddress}+{quoteMintAddress}/pair-ohlcvGETRetrieve trade price for a base/quote pairbaseMintAddress (string, required), quoteMintAddress (string, required), programId (string), resolution (string), timeStart (int64), timeEnd (int64), page (int32), limit (int32)200, 400, 500
/price/{marketId}/market-ohlcvGETGet OHLCV price for a unique trading pair or liquidity poolmarketId (string, required), resolution (string), timeStart (int64), timeEnd (int64), page (int32), limit (int32)200, 400, 500
/price/{mintAddress}/token-ohlcvGETRetrieve OHLC for a token's USD price based on aggregated tradesmintAddress (string, required), resolution (string), timeStart (int64), timeEnd (int64), limit (int32), page (int32)200, 400, 500
/price/{priceFeedId}/pyth-priceGETAccess up-to-date pricing information through a Pyth Price feedpriceFeedId (string, required)200, 400, 404, 500
/price/{priceFeedId}/pyth-price-ohlcGETRetrieve OHLC data from a Pyth Oracle price feedpriceFeedId (string, required), resolution (string), timeStart (int64), timeEnd (int64), limit (int32), page (int32)200, 400, 404, 500
/price/{priceFeedId}/pyth-price-tsGETAccess real-time and historical oracle prices of a Pyth Price feedpriceFeedId (string, required), resolution (string), timeStart (int64), timeEnd (int64), limit (int32), page (int32)200, 400, 404, 500
/price/{productId}/pyth-productGETRetrieve metadata for a specific product using its Product ID from Pyth networkproductId (string, required)200, 400, 404, 500


EndpointMethodDescriptionQuery/Body ParamsResponses
/token/instruction-namesGETRetrieves comprehensive list of instruction names derived from discriminantsixName, callingInstructions, callingProgram, programName200, 400, 404, 500
/token/tradesGETAccess trade data executed within programs with 14-day default windowprogramId, baseMintAddress, quoteMintAddress, mintAddress, marketId, authorityAddress, resolution, timeStart, timeEnd, page, limit, sortByAsc, sortByDesc, feePayer200, 400, 500
/token/transfersGETRetrieve token transfer transactions with filtering optionsmintAddress, signature, callingProgram, walletAddress, senderTokenAccount, senderAddress, receiverTokenAccount, receiverAddress, feePayer, minUsdAmount, maxUsdAmount, timeStart, timeEnd, page, limit, sortByAsc, sortByDesc200, 400, 500
/token/{mintAddress}GETRetrieves token details and 24h activity overviewmintAddress (required)200, 400, 404, 500
/token/{mintAddress}/top-holdersGETRetrieves the top 1,000 token holders. Data is updated every three hoursmintAddress (required), page (int32), limit (int32)200, 400, 404, 500
/token/{mintId}/holders-tsGETRetrieves time series data of token holders countmintId (required), startTime, endTime, interval, limit, page200, 400, 404, 500
/token/{mintId}/transfer-volumeGETRetrieves token volume in USD over specified periodmintId (required), startTime, endTime, interval, limit, page200, 400, 404, 500
/tokensGETRetrieves list of tracked tokens with sorting optionssortByAsc, sortByDesc, limit, page200, 400, 404, 500